CUB SCOUT CAMP is open to boy and girls with or without Scouting experience!  Each week campers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities from fishing, campfire programs, boating, swimming, handicrafts, archery, BB shooting, hiking, bouldering, and more!  

Boys and girls are separated by "dens" and gather together every Friday for special themed activities and campfire.  Wolves (entering 2nd grade), Bears (entering 3rd grade), and Webelos (WEB 1 entering 4th grade, WEB II entering 5th grade). The Cub Scout Program offers five program areas: sports, nature, swimming, boating, and Scout skills. 

2022 Cub Scout Camp
Session Dates:

Week 1 - July 5th  - July 8th   
Week 2 - July 11th - July 15th 
Week 3 - July 18th - July 22nd 
Week 4 - July 25th - July 29th 
Week 5 - August 1st - August 5th 

Each week at Camp Seton we have special activities surrounding a different theme.

Weekly Themes -Will be continuing in 2022 
Week 1-  Patriotic themed week 
Week 2 - Medieval Times    
Week 3 - Space Exploration
Week 4 - Emergency Services Week 
Week 5 - Pirates

In addition to the weekly themes, we have certain days of the week that are themed.
Tuesday - Crazy Hat Day - Wear your crazy hat to camp
Wednesday - Dress according to the theme for that week.
Thursday - Crazy Sock Day - Come to camp wearing your brightest or most funny socks that you have or create!