Counselor in Training program
We are happy to announce to you that the Counselors in Training (CIT) program is returning in 2024!.
We feel the need to share some important information with you regarding what the CIT’s role is.
- First the State of CT. does not recognize the CIT as a staff member, but rather as a camper. Part of this is that a CIT is age 14 or 15. Staff positions start at the age of 16.
- Second, there will be a fee for each week they attend camp. This fee will be a fraction of the camper fee.
- Third we are starting to meet with prospective CIT’s starting in December and request they attend a monthly meeting after that. We want the CITs to feel as they are welcome and part of camp and share as much information as possible with them to prepare them for their time that they are with us this summer. We have developed a program that will prepare them for their experience at camp.
- We also feel it is important to let you know there are a limited amount of spots per week. We are working out final details on those numbers. Prefrence will be given to returning CITs first.
We will be providing more information and in greater detail at our first meeting in January at 7:00pm at Seton. Our Next Meeting will be announced soon! The Meeting will be held in the Pray Building. If your son or daughter is interested in attending camp as a CIT this Summer, please let me know so I have enough materials at the meeting. The leaders that will be working with the CIT’s and I will be present to meet with you and your potential CIT.
We look forward to hearing back from you and hope you are starting to enjoy this holiday season!
To apply for our CIT Program
Click Here
The cut off for applying to be a CIT is April 15th!